Friday, December 18, 2009


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wed---No pick

My view on STI is quite negative. I guess some of you have already felt how WEAK singapore market is these few days. This is not a NORMAL rally wave would be like. Therefore, I don't think it is a good time to enter now. DOW start to fall today. Let's wait and see what is going to happen next.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I can't find any good shares to enter now. Of course, a lot of shares will still go up, but they may in 2 day or 3 day of a trend. I don't like to "chase" this kind of shares. Personally, I feel much more safe to vest after they pull back. Currently, I am waiting for the pull back of wheelock, parkway, noble, ezra and epure.
It seems the s-chips wave has past. that is why i sell my china sky at 0.195, which is my entry point aslo. I could sell at 0.205, which is my first target price, if I had not fall asleep. I hate why i am in Europe!!!!! This share haven't reach my cut loss level which is 0.185, and i believe it won't easily reach that level. But i still sold it for three reasons: 1. this company is lossing money. 2. it is in a down trend. 3. STI reaches 2800 again.
A lot of my friends like to buy Genting, which they thought is the HOPE of singpaore. Although, I don't think gambling is the HOPE of singapore economical competency, I still post my view on this share. Technically, it won't have outstanding performance in short term. It would be relatively safe to collect between 1.02 to 1.05. This company is losing money, and it nav is only 34cents. If the company could not give a good financial report in future, this share has a lot potential to fall. Personally, I always tried to avoid a share that is losing money although I am a technical analysis believer. It is ok to earn less, but it is unbearable to me if the money is draining away. This is the chart:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My mid-term view on HSI

I feel the sentiments in hongkong market is gradually changing. The wave becoming smaller and smaller and also more and more horizontal. It seems it is forming a top arch and ending the rally starting from March. Of course, it won't be very fast. It always take some time to transit from bull market to bear market. But we should be alert now. To make money from market won't be easy any more. Blindly buy a share would be more likely to end up with an unhappy story. I have switch my THEME from buying to wait and see. It does not mean the bull market is definitely over, but 小心驶得万年船。 BE CAREFUL!

this is the chart:

Friday---Asia food, See hup seng

Today's scanning comes out these two charts: asia food and see hup seng. see hup seng is too expensive, but technically it seems it still has up potential. I welcome opposite view.

disclaimer: these are not buying recommendation.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thur---hong wei, marco polo for discussion

STI refused to drop while DOW and HSI is dropping. This makes me a bit uncomfortable. Let's see what is going on next. the average trading price is much lower than 1 dollar today. This confirms my prediction made a few days a ago in my blog that the blue chip wave is shifting to small middle captial chips.
No really good entry point for tomorrow. I found these two charts are interesting. open for discussion. Hongwei is brewing something if you look at the volume and price. Let's wait and see.

Disclaimer: these are not buying recommendation.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bought China sky

Just now bought China sky at 0.195. It was not my plan to buy this share yesterday. However, as I could not fall asleep now in Europe and watching the trading, I just bot 30lots for fun. Although this share is not perfect to enter, it is relatively safe. post my plan here:

Disclaimer: this is not a buying recommendation.

Wed---No pick, but some comments on my trading system

I have scaned all the shares today, and can't really find one with good entry point.
Novena is at good position. Especially, today the buy volume is extremely larger than sell volume. what is going in this share, let's wait and see.
Allgreen break the cut loss level. according to the plan, sell it at 1.16. You probably have 300 dollars lost if you bought in at 1.19.

There is a famous saying in wall street, which is also the fundamental theory in my trading system: cut loss, let profit run. However, this saying is perfectly TRUE, but perfectly USELESS or even harmful without one presumption. The presumption is that whenever you buy a share the WIN chance must be higher than LOSE chance. A lot of people know about cut loss and let profit run, but very few people really understand the presumption. And "cut loss" is essentially why they lose money in market. this is how my blog come about. I scan for shares that have greater chance to "win" and give the plan for trading. If you follow my plan recently, you will notice that the up scope in my picked shares are at least one times higher than the down scope. It is certain that one day sooner or later you will have to cut loss and loss money according to my plan. But I can also promise you that:
1. you loss is capped.
2. in the long run, you will win.

Just want to mention again. What I scan for is the entry point of a trend. I believe once a trend is established, it will last some time until the trend is broken. Therefore, once the price reach my first target price, it doesn't mean you have to sell the share, but rather raise the cut loss level. with regarding to where the cut loss level should be raised to, it is personal preference question. you can raise it to the first target price, or half way between the entry price of the first target price. One thing for sure is that you have to raise the cut loss level. therefore, once the price goes up, you are guarantee for some profit. Small money like a few hundred won't make a difference. I believe in big money like a few K, a few 10K or even more, thus I won't easily sell a share if it is in a up trend.

3 days ago, I said S CHIPs start moving in my blog because a lot of s chips came out as a candidate from my trading system. Today, s chips became crazy, which is earlier than i previously though. S chip is also a bit difficult to play. Just in one day, most of them reaches my first target price already. Moreover, I still hold negative view on the wind (STI, US market). I won't easily buy unless I feel it is safe enough.

One more thing I want to say it again. I DO NOT LIKE biosensor. Recently, it is talking about issuing bonds, which indicates that this company is a rubbish company. I have never bought this share, and I will not buy this share in near future.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I favor this share today: novena. chart is uploaded here:
as I said in my previous blogs, the wind (STI) is not favorable these days, so the "win chance" is damped. I still hold my negative view on US market and don't favor buying at current position.

all green and biosensor are in health position. sinwa drop due to a bad news in sgx today. according to my plan, once the price successfully break a resistent level, the cut loss level should be subsequently raise to the resistant level (first target price). This will ensure the profit as long as the price goes up. In the case of sinwa, it should be sold at 0.42 or 0.425 so that you have at least one cent profit. thomosome medical is in good shape to reach my first target price, hold it and see how it goes. Stick to the plan is the key to make profit.

chart here:

Saturday, December 5, 2009


A review of yesterday pick: sinwa perform quite good on friday up 7.4%. all green dorp 2 cents to 1.18, but still higher than the cut loss level. thomosom medical center did not change. as i said, the market wind is not good. it is better to wait and see what is going to happen next.

Comments on current market: US unemployment data is good in Nov, but the chart looks quite bad. My view on the US market is quite negative in the next 2-3 days.

pick of shares: I have scan all the shares and can't really find out a share with good entry point. I think it is better to wait and see now. nonetheless, there are some shares that we can keep an eye on: CDL Hospital, Epure. I am waiting for there their pull back. there is in fact one share(biosensor) that is just about to start a new trend according to my trading system. I have thought a lot about it whether I should upload the chart, because personally i don't like the company because of fundamental analysis. In the end, I still decide to upload this chart just to test my system.
chat is uploaded here:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Friday---allgreen, sinwa, thomson medical center

Somehow I can not access in my accommodation now. I try to access my blog using a proxy sever, but I can not upload photos. So I upload the charts with trading plan here:

I favor three shares today: allgreen, sinwa, thomoson medical center. However, as said, it is not a good time to load shares now because "wind" (STI) is quite uncertain at current position.

I want to emphasize it again, S-CHIPS START MOVING. STI is mostly likely to move downwards in the next 1 to 2 days. it is a good time to keep an eye on some s-chips. if the shares price do not drop while STI is dropping, those shares are the ones that will jump when STI start to move upwards.

Jaons 03/12/09

upload using my office computer

STI reach 2808! be cautious

Today, sti reach 2808, which is slightly above previous high. As last week, sti droped below 2750, which is previous low, I don't suggest any buy at current point. But if you have already bougth some shares, you can hold it and see. Another point we need to notice is that the average sti trading price is approching 1 dollar today, which is lower than previous days. this indicate that the blue chip wave starting from 06/11 is shifting to small middle capital shares. It is time to sell blue chips to make profit and buy low price shares. Some really good s-chips are over sold in the last 3 months, and the current prices are really attractive. However, it all depends on wind of the market (STI). If sti can stay steadly on 2800 after pulling back from this peak, that is the time to start to load cheap shares. I will write some comments when the time comes!