Thursday, December 3, 2009

STI reach 2808! be cautious

Today, sti reach 2808, which is slightly above previous high. As last week, sti droped below 2750, which is previous low, I don't suggest any buy at current point. But if you have already bougth some shares, you can hold it and see. Another point we need to notice is that the average sti trading price is approching 1 dollar today, which is lower than previous days. this indicate that the blue chip wave starting from 06/11 is shifting to small middle capital shares. It is time to sell blue chips to make profit and buy low price shares. Some really good s-chips are over sold in the last 3 months, and the current prices are really attractive. However, it all depends on wind of the market (STI). If sti can stay steadly on 2800 after pulling back from this peak, that is the time to start to load cheap shares. I will write some comments when the time comes!

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